SDRUM is the world’s first intelligent drum machine for guitarists and bassists. By simply scratching across your guitar strings, you teach the SDRUM a kick snare pattern that forms the foundation of the beat you want to hear.
The DOD Carcosa Fuzz is a doorway into an alternate fuzz universe, where classic tones of legend coexist with splattered and shattered Pollock abstractions.
Chorus is a great way to add some dimension to your guitar tone - thick, wide and rolling, it's been the foundation of many classic guitar sounds.The Bubbler Chorus breathes new life into this classic analog effect, offering new ways to shape your tone.
Whether you're pushing your cranked amp into full-blown distortion or just adding some warmth, grit and character to your clean sound, the Hammertone™ Overdrive is an essential addition to your rig.